Rest, relax or whatever you prefer to call it. These days you will not have it, you will have to photograph the one of the others ?
Every week I will propose a new challenge , it is a topic that you will have to capture in a photograph and upload it to the Facebook page of the blog, putting in the description the keyword that I will indicate for each topic. The themes will be varied, from portraits to Macro photography, going through landscapes, black and white photography, or babies. The topics will be proposed on Saturdays, so that you have the whole weekend to work on them. You will have one week to upload your photograph (one photo per participant), until Friday of the following week. On Friday or Saturday I will update the article with the photo that has captivated me the most and I will propose a new topic, and so…
One more week I propose a theme to force you to go out with your camera and photograph, or what is the same, enjoy your wonderful hobby while you practice, learn and improve yourself in technique and creativity. This time I challenge you to photograph the break. This can have a thousand faces, each person can rest where they most want, from a SPA, to a forest through the bed itself.
The place does not matter (or yes), what matters is that you manage to capture someone in an attitude of rest and that, in addition, it is a good image, which is what it is about. I am going to ask you to clearly see in your photograph a resource that you have used to make it stand out from the rest, that is, you can play with perspective as in the cover photo, zoom in , a good black and white , work in high or low key , resort to negative space or practice with the depth of field, etc. (I leave it to your choice), now, if you want to see your image among the highlights, do not settle for shooting someone sleeping, wake up and get a great photo!
As usual, to participate in this week's challenge upload your photo to the Facebook wallfrom the Photographer's Blog: In the description of the photo, please mention the keyword “Reto Descanso” followed by a title of your choice .
For those of you who are not from Facebook, I have enabled new social networks to participate.
- Flickr: Accessing the Photographer's Blog Group Wall and uploading the photo directly. Give your photo a caption and be sure to mention “Rest Challenge” in it.
- Twitter: uploading the photo directly to Twitter with the hashtag #RetoDescansoBdF
Happy photography.

Wonderful images that you have given us. Here is a small sample and my most sincere thanks for your contributions one more week:
The photograph that has captivated me on this occasion is that of Lauri with the title «Less whispers in your bed, less secrets, less smiles... less our world...». I thought it was very appropriate to use negative space for a topic like the one in this challenge: rest; Well, this is a way of letting the gaze rest, concentrating only on the protagonist. A white, simple image, full of poetry, with a beautiful light and an impeccable composition and aesthetics. It represents a rest that is not clouded by the morning light that energetically invades the room, an imperturbable, serene and calm rest, like the image and what it transmits. Congratulations Lauri and she keeps giving us snaps like this!