A challenge must be attractive and have a little difficulty to really be an enticing challenge. Today I bring you a challenge that is from head to toe. You sign up?
Every week I will propose a new challenge , it is a topic that you will have to capture in a photograph and upload it to the Facebook page of the blog, putting in the description the keyword that I will indicate for each topic. The themes will be varied, from portraits to Macro photography, going through landscapes, black and white photography, or babies. The topics will be proposed on Fridays , so that you have the whole weekend to work on them. You will have one week to upload your photograph (one photo per participant), until Thursdayof the following week. On Thursday I will update the article with the photo that has captivated me the most and on Friday I will propose a new topic so that you have the whole weekend to capture your images, and so on…
WEEKLY CHALLENGE 169: AQUATIC PHOTOS (FROM 07/29/2016 TO 08/04/2016)
If you are in the northern hemisphere you have it easy, easy, surely you have water nearby and want to jump into it. If you are in the south, you also have no excuse because you will have a pool with hot water at hand and if not, badly, you can always add some imagination (as in this example), which is what the photographic challenges also consist of ?
And if you have no idea where to start shooting, here are 13 Tips for Taking Amazing Underwater Photos . Do not miss them and jump into the water!
As usual, to participate in this week's challenge upload your photo to the Facebook wallfrom the Photographer's Blog: In the photo description please mention the keyword “Aquatic Photo Challenge” followed by a title of your choice .
Those of you who are not from Facebook have the following social networks to participate.
- Flickr: Accessing the Photographer's Blog Group Wall and uploading the photo directly. Give your photo a title and be sure to mention “ Water Photo Challenge ” in it.
Twitter: uploading the photo directly to Twitter with the hashtag # RetoRetoFotosAcuáticas BdF
Happy photography.
In the Photographer's Blog team we are aware that this week's challenge was complicated because it required more elements than usual. Even so, you have worked and given free rein to your creativity to overcome the obstacle of an underwater camera so as not to miss the appointment, have I already told you how great you are?

"Freshly Fallen" by Gloves Gloves is this week's featured aquatic photography. An image taken from inside the water, showing the part that we never see, what happens under the surface of the pool. The light, the sharpness and the color are impressive for a photograph taken from inside the water, something that is usually complicated. This time the lines are not straight, the horizon is quite crooked and yet it works. It is a clear example that sometimes you have to break the rules knowing why. In this case, it has been possible to enhance the sensation of movement of the legs that move underwater in a fight to stay afloat. The lack of balance in the composition and the bubbles also help to create the feeling of hustle and bustle. It is a photograph of pure activity with a frozen moment. !! Congratulations!!