We return to black and white, this time to steal a kiss. Are you going to resist?
Every week I will propose a new challenge , it is a topic that you will have to capture in a photograph and upload it to the Facebook page of the blog, putting in the description the keyword that I will indicate for each topic. The themes will be varied, from portraits to Macro photography, going through landscapes, black and white photography, or babies. The topics will be proposed on Fridays , so that you have the whole weekend to work on them. You will have one week to upload your photograph (one photo per participant), until Thursdayof the following week. On Thursday I will update the article with the photo that has captivated me the most and on Friday I will propose a new topic so that you have the whole weekend to capture your images, and so on…
Have you ever stolen a kiss with your camera? It is an instant that is overflowing with so much emotion that you cannot let this experience pass you by on a photographic level. Kisses you will have seen many, and enjoyed many others. Today I ask you to enjoy the fact of capturing them and that you manage to convey that feeling through your image.
And that is why I also challenge you to do it in black and white, on the one hand so that you practice all the advice that we give you to achieve a good black and white and, on the other hand, the most important, so that you concentrate all the emotion in the moment, so that you strip the story, so that there are no color distractions. oh! And it doesn't have to be a romantic kiss! There can be the same emotion or more in the kiss of two brothers, that of a mother to her daughter, that of the grandfather to the grandson, and so on. The love of kisses is universal, can you show us yours?
As usual, to participate in this week's challenge upload your photo to the Facebook wallfrom the Photographer's Blog: In the photo description please mention the keyword “Black and White Kiss Challenge” followed by a title of your choice .
Those of you who are not from Facebook have the following social networks to participate.
- Flickr: Accessing the Photographer's Blog Group Wall and uploading the photo directly. Give your photo a caption and be sure to mention “ Black and White Kiss Challenge ” in it.
Twitter: uploading the photo directly to Twitter with the hashtag # RetoBesoBN BdF
Happy photography.

Thank you for filling the different walls of the blog with kisses! Here you have a representation of the diversity of kisses received. I hope you like them!
This week I am going to highlight "Infinite Love" by Sandra Ortiz, another of our regulars at the challenges. And it's not because she has a special sensitivity to mother-son love, that too, but because she is a wonderful image, both technically and soulfully. It is a black and white that contains all the tones of the gray scale in a very balanced way, with a more than correct focus and lighting and with a very careful composition. This is what we see with our eyes. What we also see with our hearts is a most emotional moment, a kiss that rages in love, with the greatest love, in a spontaneous moment, with a gesture that speaks for itself. One of those moments in which no color is needed, because it is full of feeling. Congratulations Sandra!