Last week I started this new section , and given the warm reception it received, I am calling for the second edition of the Weekly Challenge .
Every week I will propose a new challenge, it is a topic that you will have to capture in a photograph and upload it to the Facebook page of the blogPutting in the description the keyword that I will indicate for each topic.
The themes will be varied, from portraits to Macro photography, going through landscapes, black and white photography, or babies.
The topics will be proposed on Saturdays, so that you have the whole weekend to work on them. You will have one week to upload your photograph (one photo per participant), until Friday of the following week. On Saturday I will update the article with the photo that has captivated me the most and I will propose a new topic, and so on...
It's not a contest. Just an excuse to dust off the camera, give it a bit of life, and practice everything you've learned.
This week's theme revolves around the Portrait. I think it is an affordable subject, it does not require a lot of logistics or technical equipment, although a good objective, a fill flash or a reflector could make the task easier.
Previously he had already published a few articles on the subject of portraiture:
- Easy Trick, Awesome Portrait
- 26 Easy Tips and Tricks for Professional Portraits
- Learn to Master Bokeh Photography in 7 Easy Steps [Clumsy Method]
- How to seduce someone with their own portrait ?
you can refer to them for ideas. Spend some time this weekend exploring the topic, see if you can find any friends or family members who would be willing to model, and share your result on the blog's Facebook page..
IMPORTANT: In the description of the photo, mention the keyword “Portrait Challenge” followed by a title of your choice. Did you already have any previous photos on the theme of the challenge? Great, upload it please. It works for me too.
Do you accept the challenge? upload your portrait ?
One more week you have once again exhibited through your photos a generous flow of creativity and imagination. All uploaded photos are good. Remember that the most interesting thing in this exercise is not to see who gets the best photo, this is not a contest. The interesting thing here is picking up the camera, playing with the settings, looking through the viewfinder, framing, shooting, processing. The experience you go through from reading a tip to getting the photo and sharing it is essential.
Below I bring you a small representative selection of the quality and creativity of the works that you have uploaded. Thank you all.

The following portrait has particularly caught my attention. It is one of those photos that you can hardly stop looking at. It has something that leaves you looking at it for a long moment. The composition is very correct and the rule of thirds has been applied to it, decentering the subject from the center of the frame. There is a very soft light cast on the boy, and the dark areas (possibly a vignetting applied after the fact) accentuate the dramatic and intriguing tone that surrounds the whole scene.
The portrait transmits something, it does not leave you indifferent. It produces confusion, sadness or grief, intrigue, curiosity. Tells a story. I love it.