We once did a challenge about darkness , what if we do it with the light on this time? But well lit.


Every week I will propose a new challenge, it is a topic that you will have to capture in a photograph and upload it to the Facebook page of the blog by putting in the description the keyword that I will indicate for each topic.
The themes will be varied, from portraits to Macro photography, going through landscapes, black and white photography, or babies.
The topics will be proposed on Saturdays, so that you have the whole weekend to work on them. You will have one week to upload your photograph (one photo per participant), until Friday of the following week. On Saturday I will update the article with the photo that has captivated me the most and I will propose a new topic, and so…


Light is a very fun topic, it gives a lot of play in photography, and... obviously without it there would be no photography. This week's challenge will consist of converting light (usually our ally to illuminate subjects we photograph) into the main subject, the "star" or the protagonist.

Any photograph in which light is the protagonist works for me: light bulb, lamp, candle, glow, flash, light bulbs, any light source is valid. Photographing the light source itself, or simply its glowing projection on the objects, any configuration is welcome. What I want is for you to take a photo in which the viewer, when looking at it, the first thing they notice is the amount of light, its shape or its color...

light challenge

And this is good for us to make it a challenge: don't think it's easy, the light can overexpose the photo, it can get burned. Of course, the fun of the challenge is to play with the light and get cool, fun, creative, impressive but above all correct photos.

Apply the rules of photography, or transgress them if you feel like it. Remember that if your photo likes, the rest doesn't matter.

As usual, to participate in this week's challenge upload your photo to the Facebook wall of the Photographer's Blog: In the description of the photo, please mention the keyword “Light Challenge” followed by a title of your choice.


For those of you who are not from Facebook, I have enabled new social networks to participate.

  • Flickr: accessing the Photographer's Blog Group Wall and uploading the photo directly. Give your photo a title and be sure to mention “Light Challenge” in it.
  • Twitter: uploading the photo directly to Twitter with the hashtag #RetoLuzBDF

Thanks for participating. A lot of light.


Light is the oxygen in your camera. If the light favors the subjects and objects portrayed, what happens when it itself becomes the protagonist?
Well, splendid photos, full of creativity and magic. Take a look at the following selection: there is something for all tastes and themes. If you usually run out of inspiration, trying to focus your attention on the light itself by making it the subject of the photograph can reactivate your creativity, like that of the readers who this week have been uploading their photos to the blog's social channels. Here is a brief and tiny selection.

Carla's photo makes you frown as you wonder, "How the hell is that possible?"  It catches your attention, leaves you pensive for a while trying to find the trick. The composition is very correct, with the glass placed according to the rule of thirds (or almost), an enveloping warm color together with a vignetting effect (sought or unsought, but it has turned out spectacular).

Carla, what's trick? ?

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