Ready, Set, Go! Start a new weekly inspiration. Are you coming?


The Weekly Inspiration format is an excuse to stimulate your passion for photography and invite you to participate, every week, with a photo of your creation.

In the new format of Weekly Inspiration, each week I will propose a photo for you to be inspired by. To participate, you will need to take a photo "inspired" in some way by the proposed photo. It does not have to be exactly the same, but be related to or inspired by the proposed photo of the week: you can use the same subject, the same type of subject, or photograph another subject and another subject but imitating the same light scheme, For example. Any well-worked photograph will be valid as long as it is clearly seen that it was inspired by the proposed photo, in terms of technique, composition or theme. Otherwise it would not be valid.

The themes will be proposed on Thursdays and the term to upload the photograph will be one week, until the following Thursday when I will propose a new call with a gallery of images that I liked the most, and one that stands out among all those in the gallery. Also, I will upload a new photo that will be the image that will serve to inspire you during that week. You will have until Thursday (with the weekend in between) to capture your image ( only one per participant), give it a title and upload it.


We put at your disposal various means through which you can upload your photography to our weekly inspiration chain. Remember that the idea is to upload a single photo per participant and in only one of these media:

  • Facebook: Upload your photo to the Facebook wallfrom the Photographer's Blog. In the description of the photo, please mention the keyword #InspiracionBdF40 followed by a title of your choice. Remember that the title of the photograph is as important as the photograph itself.
  • Flickr: You can participate by uploading the photo to the Photographer's Blog Group Mural. Give your photo a caption and be sure to mention the hashtag #InspiracionBdF40 in it. If you don't, I won't know if you want to participate or just share it, so it won't appear as featured. For this it is also necessary that the download is enabled ;).
  • Instagram: Try to use the hashtag #InspiracionBdF40 and give your photo a title that matches it ;). Remember that your profile must be public so that we can see your images.
  • Twitter: Upload the photo directly to Twitter with the hashtag #InspiracionBdF40 and a cool title.


I am glad to see that the cold has not frozen your creativity or the desire to take photos ? :


This week's photo belongs to Moni_As and is titled «Threesome in the cold». A sample of how a group of three elements can attract the eye, the magic number... An image that undoubtedly conveys the sensation of cold, obviously. I like the triangle formed by the three ducks, which contrasts with the circles of the water and how the negative space reinforces this leading trio. And, although it can convey calm, it is an image of pure movement, that of falling snowflakes, that of swimming ducks and that of water waves. Congratulations!

Moni As_Threesome in the cold

WEEKLY INSPIRATION 40 (FROM 12/14/2017 TO 12/21/2017)

This week's image can awaken various inspirations: vanishing point, architecture, lines, little people or symmetry..., to give a few examples. I have already given you a few clues, too many, perhaps ;). Now it's your turn to work, it's about taking your camera for a walk, working on your creativity and technique, putting into practice everything you've learned so far. Bring out the genius that you carry inside and yours can be the next outstanding photograph. What are you waiting for?!

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