On many occasions the debate has arisen over whether it is the photographer or the camera who does the photography. Often in the articles we talk about the best cameras or the best lenses, but that does not mean that the photographer has no responsibility for the image he captures. I like this to money and happiness, money does not give happiness, right? But it helps! We are not going to deny that ... Well, with photography it is similar, the team does not make a photo great, but it helps !! And there are different types of lenses and each one is designed for a type of photo. That is why today I bring you an article showing you the different types of objectives that will make a difference in your photographs. With a normal equipment you can capture a very beautiful image, that transmits emotions or moves, however, there are objectives that provide added value. They are a tool that you can use to expand your creativity or even give a more professional touch to your images. And if you have that tool ... why not know its advantages and take advantage of them? Read on and you will discover all that the different types of objectives can offer you! Mario's Note: Canon and Nikon are not the best cameras, far from it. There are good cameras from these two brands such as Pentax, Sony, Olympus, or any other brand. In this article, we reference some lenses, including a link mostly to Nikon and Canon lenses. The only reason is because they are the most popular brands and the one that most readers ask about. Linking this entire list of goals for all brands would be crazy. If yours is neither Canon nor Nikon, please go to Amazon and find a similar lens. There must be. Thank you.
We present 5 types of lenses that will make a big difference between the photos you get now with the kit lens and your next photos that will surprise even you.TELEPHOTO LENS, THE SPY
It is a "spy" because where the 18-55mm falls short, the 55-200mm easily reaches far enough subjects without having to get close to them. It is the ideal objective to take casual photographs of people spontaneously on the street (stolen they are called), if you have the soul of a paparazzi, this is your objective. Or if shyness prevents you from getting close. It is also very useful if you like photography of wild animals, birds, birds, etc.- Nikon AF-S DX 55-200mm f / 4.
- Canon EF-S 55-250mm f / 4-5.6 IS II
- Tamron 70-300mm, f / 4-5.6, Macro ( Nikon and Canon )
What would photography be without landscapes , right? Many of us have fallen in love with photography because of (or thanks to) landscapes that we have always wanted to portray.- Canon EF-S 10-22MM f / 3.5.
- Nikon Nikkor DX 12-24mm IF-ED.
- Tamron 10-24mm, F / 3.5-4.5, Di II VC HLD (for Nikon).
- Tokina 12mm - 24mm f / 4.0 (for Canon).
- Pentax DA 12-24mm f / 4.
Of all the lens types, this is probably the least versatile. This extremely wide angle circular lens serves to let your imagination run wild. It creates an effect similar to an image reflected in a sphere and allows you to capture everything you need even if your eyes cannot perceive it. It is also used inside churches to include the entire scene: protagonists, guests, ceiling, floor ... everything! It is like the wide angle, but more exaggerated and distorted.MACRO LENSES
If you have ever tried to focus at very short distances with a normal 18-55mm lens, you will have noticed the enormous limitation that these standard lenses have. Normally below 50cm you cannot focus.- Canon EF 100mm f / 2.8 IS USM Macro.
- Nikon AF-S VR Micro 105mm f / 2.8 G IF-ED.
50MM F / 1.4
We have already spoken on more than one occasion about this versatile lens without which Mario cannot live and which he calls The King of Objectives. In fact, this is what he says about this goal: If I had to spend the rest of my life with one goal, it would definitely be this. Its 50mm focal length is simply perfect. It is the perfect point between a wide angle of view and a telephoto lens. Furthermore, the terribly generous aperture of this lens's diaphragm makes it extremely bright. It makes it very easy to take photos in low light situations, not to mention the depth of field game it allows ». And it is that among its advantages we find that being a fixed focal length, it performs much better, but what makes this lens tremendously useful is its large aperture, which, as he says, allows you to capture light in an extraordinary way and In addition, play with depth of field to make the object of interest stand out or only part of it focusing on the extreme while blurring the rest. In this portrait above we can see how the background is blurred and the beautiful bokeh achieved. For portraits it is excellent, and for baby photography it is almost essential, but it will not only serve you in these cases, as I have already said, it is so versatile that it will serve on many occasions and type of photographs. Has the bug entered you and you want to know the approximate price? Do not worry, in this case it would not be less, here you have it:- Canon EF 50mm f / 1.4 USM
- Nikon AF-S 50mm f / 1.4. Nikon AF-S 50mm F1.4 G