Like every artist, each photographer has his own style and preferences when choosing themes, objectives, filters ... That is the stamp of each one, his signature, his mark. Surely you have yours even though you may not have noticed. However, sometimes it is okay to go beyond those limits that you yourself have imposed consciously or unconsciously. Trying new things always feeds the imagination, improves our vision of the world around us and helps us learn.
The same goes for photography, if you try new options that you did not know before or had not dared to try, it will motivate your learning, surely it stimulates your creativity and who knows ... maybe you will find another style also "very yours" that you like more or with the one you feel even more identified. That is why in today's post I am not going to give you any advice, nor am I going to give you steps on how to take a type of photography, at most I will put some links.
My intention with this article today is to give you ideas to spark your interest in trying something different, stimulate your photographic vein and activate your imagination. I don't know if I'll get it, but if at least I get you to take out your camera and start shooting, the job will have been worth it.
Blind capture
Forced perspective
Infrared photography
Underwater ... halfway
Fish eye
Time lapse
Multi exposure
Soil photographs
Have you ever tried to shoot without looking? If you have done it you will have found that it is not easy, in fact to get something decent you will have to shoot a few times before getting something interesting. The first few times you will achieve more sky or more soil than anything else, but when you find the quiet you can achieve wonderful snapshots like Gus-Art, because nobody will know that you are shooting and the result will be as natural as life itself.
«Blind Capture» by Gus-Art
There is a powerful compositional element, perspective. You can use linear, aerial or forced perspective. It is very likely that the first two you have used even without realizing it, but the forced perspective, as the name implies, is intentionally sought. It is a game that can be very fun and entertaining, and not only that, it can offer you very interesting results. Learn here to master perspective as an element of composition
A "forced" perspective by Peterm2000
You do not know what it is?! Don't worry, you're not the only one. Although by name you will have been able to deduce what it is, here are 11 stunning examples of lightpainting and here how to make your first lightpainting photograph. So much to repeat the name that I bet you've already learned it . It is a different type of photography that although it seems a lie is not achieved with Photoshop and is even more fun than the previous one.
Painting the stars, do you dare to paint them too?
Violeta explains in the following video how to introduce you to this technique:
A completely different type of image from what we are used to seeing is infrared photography. There are not many who have entered it, perhaps because of the apparent difficulty, however it is not so much. You have two ways of carrying it out, either with an infrared filter or after shooting with an editing program. If you are curious, here I explain how to make your first infrared photograph .
Infrared photography of Aitor Escauriaza
You may wonder what I mean by that half . If you look at the image you will understand. It is a type of photography that being underwater (shot underwater) is not quite. Half of the image (or a piece) takes place under the aquatic surface and the rest out of the water. The result is really interesting, among other things because it is not an image that we are accustomed to seeing, and on the other hand because it allows us to compare two environments that coexist in harmony but are completely different.
Spectacular image taken by Ernesto Borges
This type of photography sure you do know, what I am not so sure is that you have practiced it. It is true that it has no great mystery to do it, you use the indicated objective and period, perhaps the only mystery is to find the type of images and scenes that best feel this type of «deformation», because let's be honest ... not all the images They are favored with this type of objectives. Of course, very good results can be achieved if you learn to look at the world from a "fisheye" with these recommended objectives .Distortion with a fisheye
It is a magical and different way to photograph the movement of the stars or any other element whose movement occurs so slowly that it is imperceptible to the human eye. And how could it be otherwise ... we also have an article in which we explain how to make your first Time Lapse .
Get spectacular images of the sky with the Time Lapse technique
If you expose your scene several times, you can capture the movement independently. That is to say, you shoot several times in the same frame, whereby, if there is an element or person moving through the scene, it will be portrayed the same times you have shot and in the positions where you were. With the example you will understand better.
Multi exposure
This one has even less mystery (and more for the shy ones that we are looking at the slabs all the time), however, you have to know that sometimes there is life beyond the asphalt and the parquet floor and that you can find reasons worth photographing like that of this example. It is not necessary that you fight with the world and stop looking at people in the face looking for an interesting photo of the pavement, just be attentive to those floors that have a vintage, magical or fun point and make an interesting game with your shoes and / or the odd element. Mmmm, ahem ... (wait, I'm biting my tongue ...), I can't, I can't ... I know, at the beginning I told you that I wasn't going to give you any advice but I can't help it: with these photos, please, the lines must be totally straight !!
The ground can give you the odd surprise
The geometries, like the lines can give a lot of play. If you use them as a composition element you will achieve different and original images. The trick is to find interesting shapes with bright colors that live in harmony. Look at this example:
Capture geometric elements
Ten is a round and round number I hope your images remain that although they seem different to you now, some of them may end up being habitual of your photographic repertoire. As you have seen, they are not so difficult to carry out and unless you live far from the sea, I see nothing that can prevent you from practicing these ten different forms of photography. In addition, with your creativity and imagination you can invent others, such as the cover image.
I say goodbye until the next article but not before thanking you for reading here, and in passing I ask you to share or give a "Like". These gestures are what make the blog grow .