Valentine's Day is approaching dangerously. The day of love, the day to tell your partner that you love her with a gift, because the day to show her that you love her is today, tomorrow and the rest of the year. But we love excuses to give gifts, to celebrate, to remind ourselves to pamper our loved ones and, friends, we need reasons to celebrate, because to cry, all you have to do is turn on the news. Now, not all gifts have to be material, which can also be , but there are other possibilities.

If you want to show all your love to your partner and you don't have a budget, you have it but you have thought of something more emotional, you have been asked to photograph a couple or, simply, to celebrate that day, you want to immortalize your union, take a look at these elegant and creative ideas of photographing love. If it is about yourselves, these self-portrait tips can help you.

Oh…! What is not your case? That you don't have a special person, or anyone who has asked you for photos? Well, this excuse doesn't work for me, because then you're looking for inspiration and you say you can't find it, so I propose something, well, two options: the first, if you have a couple in love nearby, offer to do a session for them, sure that they offer themselves delighted and you practice; the second, if this is not possible either, go out and look for the love of strangers, it is incredible what you can learn and capture, what can't you find?, go to a train station, sure that to play paparazzi you will find a couple in love saying goodbye ;).

Now yes, I will tell you some ways in which you can portray that precious and pure feeling that unites each pore of his / your skin.


The hands are, after the face, the part of our body that counts the most without speaking. In addition, in any relationship they have enormous weight, the first time you touch your hand with the person you have fallen in love with, when they rest it on your face, when they caress you or brush away a lock of your hair, that hand that he fucks for the first time in the first meetings or that he catches you to kiss you for the last time that day (again). Those hands that express so much and make you feel so much are a great symbol. Here are some examples:

photography interlocking fingers valentine
Hands that feel, gestures that unite
black hand with white hand
talking hands


I love those photographs that tell a story without showing anything. A small gesture is enough to tell you what is happening. Look at these images and the importance of proper perspective. To take photos like these, you have no choice but to drop to the ground (if you don't have a folding screen) or, place the camera on the ground if it is a self-portrait. And not only that, look for a nice floor, make sure that there is no garbage or distracting elements (and if it's unavoidable, you know, open wide or try another way ? ), that the main character is love, history and not can of the soda that can be seen in the background or the dog that sticks out its nose.

Feet of man and woman in nature
In summer…
Feet of man and woman in the snow
…or in winter
#BBD0E0 »

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