Very special dates are approaching, in fact, for many they are the most special of the year by far. It is the most emotional time of the year, when we become a little more human (and more consumerist too ). But above all we become more familiar. I will not explain what Christmas means, because for each one it represents something different, however, there are common points for all readers. You will not deny me that you, like the rest of readers, photographs every moment. We already dedicate an article to tell you some tips to photograph these dates,if you want to take a look, today what I will do is give you some ideas to make your photographic Christmas as complete and, why not, original. I will present these ideas in a way that allows you to tell a story, that of your Christmas.
The first thing you will do is send a greeting card, unless you have joined the new technologists who wait at the last minute to send (or rather forward) a whatssap. But it is that being a person fond of photography, it is expected that you curry a little and send a photo of you (of your authorship). What better way to start photographing Christmas than making your own postcard? Here is an example
If you are one of the lucky people who still receive many printed congratulations, you can put them all together in a beautiful place and immortalize them. Congratulations may be in the trash within ten years, but the photo will remain on the album with the best wishes of its senders.
If there is a time of the year when it is a pleasure to walk and live the atmosphere, it is on these dates. Everything is flooded with lights, ornate shop windows and crowded streets, an excellent setting to photograph Christmas in your city and put a context of your own.
And since we talk about lights, what better time to practice the bokeh effect than Christmas. You have a lot of lights around you that you can use. Dont miss the chance
Continuing with the lights, why not practice a little that painting with light ?
Paint with light
The time to ride the nativity scene or the tree is magical for everyone, but even more so for children when they are allowed to participate. If it is a ceremony in your home, why not also portray it with your camera? And what about the letter of the Magi (or Santa Claus)? Do not miss these moments that often go unnoticed.
By the way ... have you seen the background bokeh?
We are almost reaching the epicenter of the holidays and I do not want to continue without reminding you that there is also black and white photography . Christmas is very colorful and warm, yes, but that doesn't mean it can't be portrayed in grayscale . Do not forget
Black and white also exists at Christmas
If you have not lived in Spain for a long time, you may not know what I mean, but if you are from here, the announcement of the famous nougat will surely come to your mind, "come back, come home ... for Christmas ..." (no Do you remember this melody every year?) Straight to the point. Almendro Moment is the moment in which those relatives who live far away (the farther the better), return home. In many homes this moment is lived in which a family member whom you have not seen for a long time comes home with suitcases and a huge desire to give you a hug. But ... where is your camera ?! You can not miss that emotional moment, it is the essence of Christmas, beyond lights, gifts and Christmas carols.
With the whole family in the shelter of the home comes the time for portraits , in groups or isolated. You can try the typical ones of a lifetime or give it a spin. Try to make funny, different portraits or with a different point of view.
Different portrait
It doesn't necessarily have to be a satire, you can simply change your point of view
Change perspective
Or it can even be a great idea to photograph the whole family with a grimace. That is a funny family portrait! And why not ... a most surprising congratulation
Find a picture that you like from your childhood where you are with your siblings or with your parents celebrating Christmas. Try to repeat it in the same place and with the same positions and positions. It is fun, as well as endearing, and a wonderful way to photograph the passage of time .
This idea involves a small mental effort to develop your photographic eye and your creativity. It is about looking for scenes or details that are not properly Christmas but look like it. Look at this example:
Imitating Christmas
It doesn't matter if you're from Santa Claus or from the Magi from the East. Another "exercise" (a word I just invented to join an idea with what can be a photographic exercise ) to practice street photography at Christmas is to look for Santa Claus in the streets. You dare?
Looking for Santa
Living pregnant Christmas is a double happiness, I tell you from my own experience. Let your imagination fly and portray a Christmas pregnancy. You can also use your belly to write the Christmas greeting, be one who did
Christmas pregnancy
Another "exercise" to stimulate your creativity. Create a Christmas scene with dolls, playmobile or whatever you want but in tiny size and practice macro photography .
Creativity to power
Christmas is still a party, and the parties are for fun, you can do it without your camera or with it. It is obvious that the authors of this photo had fun with it. Do you dare to do the same?
It's party ... have fun
If you are one of those with this paparazzi vein you will like this idea. In addition, it is soooo typical in Christmas movies ... I mean seeing through the window how people celebrate Christmas. That laziness does not stop you, put on your coat (if you live in the northern hemisphere, of course ) and look out the window (or windows), it can be yours or that of others;).
Through the window
However present you may have your traditions, you cannot forget that there are other cultures or religions that celebrate these dates differently, which does not mean that it may not be a good opportunity to unsheathe your camera. Here is an example.
Tree ornaments can serve as something more than ornament. Photograph some familiar scene through its reflection and surely yours will be impressed .
There is no Christmas without family dinner (or meal), it is not the same. At least there is a day when you get together with your loved ones and the food with which you celebrate is important. And I don't mean the dish itself, but everything that surrounds it. Try to photograph the whole process, from the kitchen, the time to prepare the table, when you are all in it and the desktop. Capture the details , the emotional moments , the crosses of looks, the displays of affection, the crosses of gifts and the faces of surprise when opening them. Not everything in photography is sharpness, focus ... Photography is capturing moments , never forget it. Feel what you do and that feeling will live in your images and in those who contemplate them.
Good dates to convey tenderness in your images, don't you think? If you have any questions about how to do it, check out this article .
Conveys tenderness
Close your photo report as it deserves. If in your city these dates are celebrated with fireworks, great, go for them! If not, you always have the option of using flares, very typical of the end of the year.
End of party
And with this end of the party, I also put an end to the article. I hope that these twenty ideas have helped you and, above all, that you have had a terrible desire to photograph Christmas, your Christmas, as if it were a story or a movie. And, if you feel like it, I would greatly appreciate you sharing these ideas with your Facebook, Twitter or Google + contacts, so your families can have a nice memory. Thank you and Happy Holidays!
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