Free and royalty-free image banks are an exceptional resource, especially for all of us who have creative work, but, in general, for anyone who needs to illustrate in some way through an image.
Not all of us have a photographic level or sufficient equipment to illustrate our web pages, blogs, social networks, jobs, etc. more professional profile.
For this reason, in this article I will address 50 image banks that contain photos without copyright, so that you can take a look at them and go from one to another until you find the image or images you need. But first I will leave you some tips to use them.
The first thing is to take a look at the different image banks that we propose in this list. At the end of this article I will leave you with a few recommended ones due to the quantity and quality of their photographs.
- After analyzing the different options, choose 3-4 image banks that you like their style or image quality, and maybe have a couple more in reserve in case you need to give your work more variety.
- Do the word searches in English. As much as you find image banks in Spanish, you will cover many more images in English.
- Use an editorial line.
- Do not forget to carefully review the licenses of each image bank that you are going to use. That is why I also recommend having your favorites, to know them in depth in terms of use and licenses.
CC or Creative Commons licensesare different types of license to attribute the images. You have the following license types:
Please note that all CC images need at least attribution to their author.
After this brief introduction, let's go to the topic that interests you :), our selection of no less than 50 free image banks :
Unsplashis a free image bank with thousands of images of different resolutions. Through its search engine, you can find all kinds of royalty-free images.
The aesthetics of the Unsplash photos are professional and of good quality, ideal for professional-style websites, blogs or social networks.

GoogleIt is not only a search engine but also allows you to find royalty-free images from among all the images that are part of its archive.
To use this tool, go to Images>Tools>Usage Rights>Creative Commons Licenses .

PexelsIt is another free image bank, with a search engine, where you can find many photographs of different resolutions and with professional quality.

Another option for free image banks without copyright is Pixabay. You also have a huge bank where you can find photographs of many subjects and with a high-quality finish.

free imagesIt is another of the image banks with a search engine where you can search for photographs by author, theme, color, etc. All are free for commercial and personal use.

PicJumboIt also works with a search engine and offers very good resolution photos. In its Premium version it allows you to download entire collections of images. By subscribing to their Newsletter you receive a set of images in your email every week.

RGB Stock is another free-use image bank. You will find all kinds of images that you can filter through the search engine. On the contrary, it has more advertising than other more powerful search engines such as Unsplash or Pexels to name a few.

Picography It is another of the free image banks to download that you can use to illustrate your website, presentations, social networks, etc. They are high resolution images that you can download from your browser.

In Barn Imagesyou can download high resolution images for free. All images are royalty free but you cannot sell them or take credit for them.

StockSnapis another free image bank to download from your Google-type search engine where you will find copyright-free photos of different themes. You can search for images by categories, featured, or by word.

In The Noun Projectyou will find both copyrighted photos and free use icons. It also offers paid images and icons. To use it requires you to make an account (free).

flickrIt can also function as a bank of images for free use, but the issue of licenses must be taken into account. As you can see in the following image, you can find different types of license.
Make sure you filter for the correct license. For non-commercial use of an image that you don't want to modify, use "All Creative Commons."

on freepikyou will find royalty-free images, vectors and different designs for your projects.

Another of the free image banks to download that you can use is Kaboompics. You'll find high-resolution photos that you can search by word or by color.

on Depositphotosyou will find high resolution free image stock photos. You also have Stock videos, and other tools such as a background remover, ideal for working on design projects.

Here you can see a video presentation of the possibilities of this photo bank:
jeshootsis an image bank of a unique photographer (Jan Vašek) that offers free and royalty-free images for use. It has a lot of publicity, but you can find interesting photos.

Negative SpaceIt is another of the free image banks to download that you can use for your projects. It has a search engine that you can use by color or word.

In Morgue FileYou'll find over 400,000 Stock images licensed for commercial use. You can use the image search engine or search by recent photos or by the most used.

in GratisographyYou can find free, high-resolution, royalty-free vectors and photos that are also very original and different. You have several search categories or, if you prefer, you can use its search engine.

Life of PixIt is one of the free high-resolution image banks that we recommend. You can search by image, by photographer, and even search for royalty-free videos. You can search by category within its gallery or use its search engine.

on Vecteezy, you can find royalty-free images, but also vectors and videos. You can search from the categories that they offer you, or use the web search engine.

canvasIt is not only a great place to design all kinds of formats for social networks, posters, newsletters and much more, but it is also one of the free copyright-free image banks that we recommend.
You can search by photos, categories or trends.

If you are looking for old royalty-free photos, this website may be very interesting for you. In New Old Stock,you will find public stock photos free to use.

A Flickr account where you can find commercially licensed photographs of the space. You can explore it here.

In Startup Stock PhotosYou can find royalty-free photos with a professional theme, offices, offices or office supplies to illustrate your blog or website.

If what you are looking for is an image bank without copyright specialized in nature photography, at Free Nature StockYou will find spectacular high-resolution photos related to nature.

MagdeleineIt is a free image bank where you can find photographs by color, subject or by your search engine. High-quality photos but require attribution.

InstockvaultYou will find royalty-free photographs by theme, collections or through the search engine.

shutterooIt is another image bank where you can find photos without copyright. You can use them, modify them etc., but not resell them or profit from them in any way.

To use this photo bank, you will have to register Dreamstime. You will find photos by theme or through its search engine.

Create ViewIt works as a photo bank but also as a program to design templates, vectors, and other creative resources. To use it, you must register on their website.

in cupcakeyou can find royalty-free images from photographer Jonas Wimmerström. It does not have a search engine, but you can use the "File" tab to see them in thumbnails.

In Photo Stock Editoryou'll find over 23,000 free stock images ready to download. It works with the search engine or through the labels that it proposes under the search engine.

In this image bankYou will need to register on their website to have access to the free royalty-free images. You will also find vectors, graphics, PNG elements, etc.