The normal thing is that I recommend cameras, not that I advise against them. At first it sounds somewhat disconcerting, I will explain this in a moment. If you are an expert in photography you will see how you agree with me, but if on the contrary you are starting even in this field, with more reason you have to read this article. One of the most common mistakes for the beginner photographer is to acquire the wrong camera. Let's go to the mess.


Before showing you the 3 cameras you should not buy, ever, under any circumstances, I need to agree first on a key point: you, the photographer. To simplify the explanation, we will distinguish between 3 types of photographers:
  • Professional photographer.
  • Amateur photographer.
  • Photographer "trendy" (now we explain it).
The professional photographer is someone who seeks to make a living as a photographer, dedicate himself to photography professionally, that people hire him to cover his events, or who buy him photographs previously taken by him. It is someone who is willing to invest money in a professional photography team since they have a plan in mind to make that purchase profitable and recover that investment in the medium term in the form of income from their profession. The amateur photographer is someone who, without having any pretensions to dedicate himself to photography in a professional way, and without his main objective being to make money taking photos, he likes photography, he is passionate, he drives him crazy. Enjoy taking hours and hours taking photos, observing photographs of others and trying to progress and improve your technique as a photographer, always from a passionate amateur angle. The photographer I call "trendy" does not work in photography in a professional way either. Perhaps he would fall into the category of amateur photographer, but unlike this, the "trendy" follows a bit of fashion in terms of machines and cameras "trendies" and "cool" refers. Here we talk about a type of person who can enjoy taking pictures more or less, but deep down, in its deepest interior, what really fascinates him is the material part of the cameras: his body, his texture, his design, his Marquita maybe. This is someone who finds pleasure acquiring and using the device itself. Someone who feels an obligation to be up to date with regard to cameras of referrals. You have to have the last cry in cameras, use it or not. By making an analogy between one and the other, the amateur photographer after taking the photo rejoins, lifts the camera and while looking at it thinks "what a beautiful picture I have taken!" . The trendy photographer, on the other hand, after taking the photo, rejoins, lifts the camera and, while looking at it, thinks, "My God! Mother of beautiful Love! What a cool camera have! " . It is clear that among these 3 main types of photographers there are gray and gradual areas, there are photographers who define themselves between the serious amateur and the professional, there are others who although they are passionate about taking photos (and therefore they are amateurs), also the cameras themselves are crazy (and therefore they would also fall into the third category), but to simplify let's stick with these 3 types of photographers. I think this classification will help me explain what comes next: the 3 cameras you should never buy . Clarified this concept of «types of photographers», what 3 cameras do you think I'm going to advise against?


1) Avoid the professional camera: Many times we confuse the term " professional " with " photographic quality ". There are people who say " oh, this picture is very professional , it shows ", meaning " oh, this picture is of very good quality , it shows ". Professional is not synonymous with quality. It is true that from a professional photographer we expect quality photos, but there will be professional photographers who take good photos and they must be made bad. In this life I have seen everything Likewise, there are photos that take your breath away taken by amateur people. Therefore, "professional" and "quality" are two terms that can coincide but do not necessarily mean the same. Applied to the subject at hand, an amateur photographer does not need a "professional" camera necessarily to produce high quality photographs. Good photographs are made by good photographers. The camera, whether professional or not, has nothing to do with it. Professional cameras provide professional benefits and respond to the needs of a "professional", which are often very different from those of an amateur. Apart from this, another reason why I advise the professional cameras to the amateur photographer is because of the enormous weight that they physically assume, the disproportionate dimensions, and the technical complexity that they entail. The last thing an amateur or beginner photographer needs to learn is a camera with a menu and a number of frightening elements. Do you want more reasons why you should avoid professional cameras as an amateur photographer? Its price is prohibitive. If you hurry me, it's a bad idea even if you're rich and your money is left over. Why? I think it is a better idea to invest in a “non-professional” SLR camera, made and designed for the amateur photographer, it will cost you much less, and the money that will be left over will allow you to get excellent objectives and accessories that will help you get results photographic much better. Many times we fall into the error of thinking that a camera of 2,000 euros will give better results than one of 500 euros. The reality is that a camera of 500 or 600 euros paired with a good lens (as the King of the Objectives for example) you can go around the result you can get with the camera of 2,000 euros. 2) Avoid the trendy, fashion, cool camera, designed primarily to be adored and loved as if it were a jewel:Be careful, I am not saying that it is not a good product. Perhaps it is for other purposes, such as decoration, or collecting, but in my humble opinion, the best camera to take good photos is usually not the most beautiful and sexy physically speaking. I think that brands have realized over time that there is a niche market that could satisfy and earn money, a lot of money. Instead of competing with the other brands in performance, in ease of use, in photographic and optical quality, or even in price, some brands have seen a reef in producing and marketing cameras that in terms of performance and photographic quality are rather normal, but instead provide the buyer with an "aesthetic satisfaction" that makes them worth a lot of money. Unless you are that "trendy photographer" we talked about at the beginning, friend or friend, I do not recommend acquiring cameras of these that bring a "vintage" or retro aesthetic, with parts perhaps covered in genuine leather or similar synthetic materials, which they instill a certain feeling of luxury and delicacy of materials. If you need the camera to display it and adore it well, it may be a good idea to consider these cameras, but if instead of enjoying the camera itself, the object, what you really love is the end result, photography, forget them. Is there anything better. 3) Avoid the latest generation camera: And you will ask yourself, Mario, what kind of mushrooms have you tried this time? What is the problem now with the latest generation cameras? Obviously there is no problem. None. What happens is that there are better, much better options. Wait ... is there anything better than a latest generation camera? Yeah right. The previous generation As you know, and if you don't know, I'll tell you, brands design a certain camera model, launch it on the market, and from there every so often they dedicate themselves to «relaunching» almost the same model but with certain Improvements here and there. With exceptions, most of the time these improvements are small and touch areas that usually do not influence the quality of the photo. Maybe they add a GPS receiver so that the camera records on the photo itself the location where it was taken. Or maybe they add a new resolution to record video so that the camera goes on to record in 4 different resolutions instead of 3 for example. Sometimes they make the camera have a few more megapixels, type 24 megapixels instead of 20. I know what you are thinking: That these improvements are minimal does not have to assume that we have to avoid those cameras. Although they will not improve our photographic quality, what else does it matter? It is understood that the camera does not recede. Improvement. Little, but it improves. So what is the problem with acquiring that last model? The problem is mainly its price. For the simple fact of being an improved model, recently launched to the market, traditionally the last generation always costs a lot, a lot of money, much more than the previous generation to which it "improves." Personally I could understand this if the difference in benefits justifies it. The problem is that when that difference is minimal, as we were saying, is it reasonable to pay 300 and sometimes 600 euros of difference just to be able to show off the latest generation of cameras? If you are an amateur photographer and your interest is to find a good SLR camera, of a solid brand in the market, with a good balance between current benefits, affordable price, maximum compatibility with lenses and accessories, and ease, a lot of ease of use for the Beginner photographer, my article with the best SLR cameras for beginners is one of the most viewed and commented here in the blog. I recommend you take a look. I would put my hand in the fire for any of the cameras that I recommend in that article. [button color = »yellow» size = »big» alignment = »center» rel = »follow» openin = »samewindow» url = » »] See selection of the Best SLR Cameras [/ button] I hope the article has helped you to distinguish the type of camera you really need as an amateur photographer. Not all cameras are worth it. And remember, it's not all that glitters. That is all for today. If you enjoyed this reading, express it with the Facebook, Twitter or Google+ buttons - Thanks in advance.

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