Choosing your next camera can be as exciting as it is stressful. Although buying a camera is not cheap at all, if you have already made the decision to invest in a new equipment, it will only be enough for you to do a little research to find the one that suits your needs.
At this time, you may end up being a victim both of your own anxiety and of brands and sellers who, in order to sell a camera , may not dedicate the time you deserve to clear up all your doubts.
But don't worry, in today's article I will show you a powerful tool, available for free on the internet, so that you can find out everything that a camera offers, and even compare them with each other and thus be able to make the best decision when it comes to buy your next reflex camera.
Once the decision to buy an SLR camera has been made, the most difficult part begins: which one to buy?
When evaluating the different proposals, it may be difficult for you to decide between one model or another due to the large number and variety of cameras available on the market, so choosing between one or the other almost ends up being a matter of faith. : It is very likely that you will lean towards one camera or the other just because of the brand of it.
Imagine you need to drive a nail into a wall, but going to the store for the right tool, you end up buying a screwdriver. Although the situation is a bit exaggerated, it is useful to exemplify what could happen to you if you are not very clear about what you want to do and you try to get the necessary tools to do it. Never forget that the camera is only a medium and it is the camera that must adapt to you, and not you to it.
Choosing an SLR is much more than comparing labels. In order to be successful in buying your next SLR camera, which may well be your first, you need to know in depth what its advantages and disadvantages are, what features it offers you and how they can help you take better pictures.
That is why in today's article I am going to introduce you to a tool that will be of great help to you:
Snapsort is a free site that will allow you, in a very simple and fast way, to make comparisons between the different cameras that you have in mind to acquire and thus help you make the best decision. Although there are more complete alternatives, none is as simple and easy to understand as, so it will become a luxury ally in the search for your next camera.
By comparing only technical data, it becomes really very objective and very useful so that you end up leaning towards one or another camera to buy, or at least, so that you can discard those that do not fit what you expect from your next camera. reflex camera.
When making comparisons between this or that camera, Snapsort becomes a very efficient tool thanks to its simplicity. In a few minutes, you may have a good idea of the technical advantages of one camera over the other. I eat? Pay attention:
The operation of the page is simple: a large database with data from thousands of cameras that, with just a couple of clicks, you can easily compare. Just go to fill in the brands and models of the cameras you want to compare:
Once you have completed the data of the cameras you want to compare and click on the "compare" button, you will see the result of said comparison:
(1) Score: Each of the compared camera specifications carries a score which, added to its popularity (number of user queries), results in a final score. The better its features and functionalities, the higher the score obtained. The camera with the highest score will be the winner.
Keep in mind that some of the specifications that are important to Snapsort (add a lot of points) such as the rotating screen, may not be important to you. Do not be left alone with this "summary" since the scores are assigned according to the technical specifications (objective aspect) and not to the use that you can get to give it (subjective aspect).
(2) Store: If you've been completely blown away by the score you've just seen, and it's enough for you to instantly choose your next camera, you can take advantage of Snapsort's sponsored links and head straight to the store to place your order Don't fall to temptation! There is still much to see.
(3) Reasons to buy one or the other: here you can quickly see those "outstanding" features of each of the cameras with respect to the other.
After the quick "summary" of the score and outstanding characteristics, you will find a menu in which you will be able to appreciate the different sections that the page offers you regarding said comparison:
- Differences: here you will be able to observe those characteristics that differentiate one camera from another, but with a particularity: it will show you the advantages that each camera has over its competitor. Later I will explain the meaning and importance of each of the items that you will find in this section.
- Recommendations: once again, makes the purchase process a little easier by offering you different ones in which you can purchase each of the cameras consulted quickly.
- Similar: in a simple list you will be able to observe the strengths and weaknesses common to both cameras compared to the rest of the cameras offered on the market.
- Competitors: the comparison is not strictly limited to the two models you have chosen, but also offers you a list of advantages and disadvantages of these models compared to other cameras offered on the market and that directly compete with them.
- Appearance: as you can imagine, here you can appreciate the appearance of each camera compared to the other. The image is not everything: this section will also be useful for you to get a complete idea of how the buttons are arranged, the knobs, the size of one in relation to the other, etc.
- Discussion: at the end of the comparison, you will be able to read the opinions of those users who have had experience using one or the other model and have decided to share their experience with the rest of the community.
If you stop to analyze the differences between one camera and another or their similarities, you will notice that there are a large number of items through which said comparison is made. Each one of these refers to functions and characteristics that one camera has built -in and the other does not, or both have them, or it may even be that none of them have it, in which case Snapsort will recommend cameras from a similar segment (Professional, advanced and beginner) that if they have them so that you can evaluate and why not, make a new comparison.
At first you may feel a bit lost among so many specifications, numbers and scores, but after carrying out several analyzes you will see that it is much easier than it seems. In any case, here is a list of the main features that you should pay attention to if you want to get the most out of this tool:
Amount of noise in High ISOs: ISO sensitivity is something like an indicator of the "amount of light needed to take a picture." The higher this is, the more noise will appear in your photos. The better response a camera provides to photos taken with high sensitivities, the better sharpness you will be able to achieve and the better quality your photos will have .
Maximum ISO Sensitivity: this is the maximum value to which you can raise the ISO sensitivity of your camera when taking your photos in low light situations. The higher the sensitivity of a camera, the more it will be able to get photos in low-light situations where others would be unable to. In any case, the limit to the ISO sensitivity is set by you: this will be the amount of noise that you are willing to put up with in a photograph. Carrying out a correct measurement and exposure will be key to making the most of this value.
Sensitivity boost: the maximum ISO sensitivity that SLR cameras bring acts as a limit that you can violate using the "boost" or "forcing" said limit to be able to take pictures in situations where your worst enemy, darkness , is lurking. There are certain cameras that allow you to raise the maximum ISO sensitivity of your camera through their menu, but be careful that if you force it too much, the quality of your photos will be greatly affected.
Video quality: Needless to say, the better the video quality and the more frames per second (fps) your chosen camera is capable of processing, the better results you'll get when recording your videos. You may not be 100% interested in taking full advantage of this functionality, but as the saying goes, “it is better to have more than not enough”. If you want to learn everything about video recording with your SLR camera, take a look at the following article: “ The Whole Truth About Video Recording on SLR Cameras ”.
Continuous focus in video: Many of the SLR cameras currently on the market do not have the ability to autofocus in video recording mode, which means that you will have to adjust the focus manually throughout the recording. If you are a lover of videos, it may be that if the camera you are comparing has this functionality, it will make you lean towards it when making your long-awaited purchase.
External microphone: the possibility of connecting an external microphone to the camera will allow you to record the audio of your videos with much better quality than if you only used the built-in microphone. External microphones will allow you to filter out ambient noise in a much more efficient way since they do not pick up the noises that the camera itself emits, such as when zooming or focusing.
Image quality: You can assess the quality of the resulting images from a certain camera by paying attention to this value. It is the result of the score obtained based on the three fundamental parameters to obtain quality in your photos: color depth, dynamic range and performance in low light. To support its metrics, Snapsort relies on another well-known tool: its objectivity is almost guaranteed.
Color depth: Color depth is the ability of your camera to distinguish different shades of the same color. Measured in bits, the better the color depth that the camera can capture, the greater the color nuances that you will be able to distinguish in your photographs. If you want proof of the importance of capturing as many colors as possible in your photos, be sure to check out the “Colorful” challenge .
Touch Screen: The trend towards touch in the world of electronics is no stranger to photography. If you are a lover of touch screens above the buttons and knobs, perhaps this functionality will make you decide for one or the other camera. Remember that only you know what you need to satisfy your needs.
HDR mode: the high dynamic range or “High Dinamic Range” as its acronym indicates, is a functionality that will allow you to obtain details in both the shadows and the highlights in the same photograph. Something almost impossible to do with a conventional camera without going through a computer becomes easy when this functionality is activated. Sure, if your camera allows it. While it is possible to take an HDR photograph by taking multiple exposures and stitching them together on your computer, having the ability to do it directly from your camera will save you a ton of time. In any case, I leave you a simple guide so that you can take an HDR photograph whether or not you have this functionality in your camera: “ Steps to follow to get HDR photos ”.
Rotating screen: this type of rotating screens allow you not only to take pictures with very interesting framings, but they will also allow you to work on your filming in a much easier and more comfortable way.
Focus points: having many focus points will give you great flexibility when it comes to choosing where you will direct the attention of the viewer of your photos. Giving prominence to your subjects will be easier as your camera has a large number of focus points.
Cross focus points: the more focus points an SLR camera has, the more possibilities you will have when making your compositions . The automatic focus modes perform the same from the contrast that they detect in each of these points. In many cases, DSLR cameras can only detect contrast in either landscape or portrait scenes, but with the use of cross focus points, when working in a "cross" fashion, the focus points become more sensitive and reliable at the time of use. If you want to learn everything about focusing on SLR cameras, take a few minutes to read the following article: “ All About Manual and Auto Focus on SLR Cameras ”.
Screen resolution: the higher resolution your camera screen has, the more details you will be able to appreciate, you will be able to check the focus and sharpness of your photos when you review them directly from the camera.
Dynamic range: as I told you in the article " Detailed Guide: How to Correctly Meter and Exposure Your Photographs ", the dynamic range measures the amount of light and dark tones that your camera is capable of capturing in the same photograph, it is In other words, it is the ability of the camera to obtain details in both areas of a photograph, the lights and the shadows. The greater the dynamic range of the camera you have in mind to buy, the more detail you can get in your photos.
Sensor cleaning: SLR cameras, when using interchangeable lenses, can accumulate, between one change and another, dust and particles that can adhere to the sensor, spoiling your photos. Many of the camera manufacturers have incorporated dust removal systems into their latest models to prevent this from happening. In any case, if your camera does not have this functionality, all you have to do is read the following article to be able to clean them yourself: ” The Complete Guide: Cleaning Tips For SLR Cameras ”.
Sensor size: the sensor of your digital camera is responsible for converting the light that passes through the lenses of your objectives into a photograph. The larger the size of this, the more light it will be able to capture and therefore the quality of the resulting photograph will be higher. If you want to understand the differences that exist between the different types of sensors, pay attention to the following article: “ Types and Characteristics of Photo Camera Sensors ”.
Resolution: despite the fact that manufacturers announce that their cameras work with a certain resolution, in reality, the effective resolution of these is usually somewhat lower. This is why Snapsort uses the effective resolution of the sensors to make its comparisons. Contrary to what it may seem to you, higher resolution does not mean higher quality. The only thing you can be sure of when paying for more megapixels is that the weight and size of your photos will increase, but their quality may not, in fact, sometimes it may even decrease.
Shutter speed: Having a faster shutter speed will allow you to take pictures of fast-moving subjects or objects without the risk of losing definition. Freezing the flight of a hummingbird, the ride of a sports car or the action on a soccer field will only be possible if your camera has enough speed to do it. Beginner cameras typically shoot at top speeds of 1/4000 of a second speeding up to 1/8000 of a second on more advanced and professional cameras.
Photos per second: The number of photos per second that a camera can capture in continuous shooting or burst mode refers to the speed with which the camera can take one photo after another in rapid succession. If what you want is to take action or sports shots or you want to freeze the movement , you should look for a camera that allows you the highest amount of FPS (photos per second) possible.
Shutter lag: This feature refers to the time it takes for the camera to take one picture after another. The faster you go, the less chance you'll miss a valuable photo.
Battery life: Most manufacturers use a standard called CIPA that measures the number of shots a camera can take before its battery dies. If you have in mind to take long photographic adventures, this feature cannot be ignored.
Size: the smaller the camera, the easier it will be for you to work with it and the more unnoticed you will be when moving with it . Here you will have to evaluate if what you prefer is comfort or robustness, although one thing does not exclude the other.
Viewfinder Size: This feature specifies the percentage of the image that will be seen in the viewfinder that will actually be captured by the camera. Current SLR cameras work with two types of viewfinders: penta prism or penta mirror. The first ones are included in the most advanced and expensive models, since they guarantee that the image you see in the viewfinder will be the same as that reflected in the sensor, unlike the penta mirror, which usually has a slightly lower percentage of vision (in around 95%). If you don't want to miss any of the framing, try to get a camera that uses the pentaprism system.
Weight: if there is something that can make you doubt when buying an SLR camera, it is its weight. SLR cameras are generally heavy equipment due not only to the size of their body, but also thanks to the lenses that are used together with them. If you are thinking of starting out in the world of SLR photography, weight is something you will have to learn to live with.
Available lenses: although the brand itself should not influence you when buying your next SLR camera, you should keep in mind that not all brands offer the same variety or number of compatible lenses for you to use with their cameras. For some cameras there are many more compatible lenses than for others, whether they are manufactured by themselves or by third parties that produce lenses for them. Pay attention not only to the quantity, but also the variety and cost of lenses available for a given camera before making your purchase. Take a look at the following article: “ You Will Take Your Best Photographs With One Of These Lenses ”.
Image stabilizer: Image stabilization prevents the photos you take from losing sharpness due to camera shake or movement. In low light situations or if you have in mind to use telephoto lenses, having a stabilized camera will be essential. In my personal opinion, I prefer stabilized lenses to stabilized cameras. In fact, the tendency is for stabilization to be done on target as it is more efficient.
Internal Focus Motor: Some DSLRs do not have a built-in focus motor so they can only use autofocus with lenses that do come with one. These lenses are usually more expensive than those that do not have a built-in focus motor, so if you buy a camera without a focus motor, I recommend that you make sure that the lenses are autofocus.
Memory cards: some cameras offer the possibility of working simultaneously with two memory cards, allowing them to increase their internal storage capacity, or making backup copies of the photos stored on one of the cards automatically on the other. If you have made a profession of your hobby, this feature may be more than interesting to you, after all, there is no worse publicity for a photographer than losing their client's photos. If unfortunately it were to happen to you, put the following tips into practice: “ Can I Recover Photos from a Damaged Memory Card? ”.
Protection against the weather: this is a characteristic of advanced or professional cameras since its use is usually carried out in much more extreme conditions than equipment for entering the segment or for "beginners". Dust, water and humidity can be the worst enemies for your camera, so if you have the possibility to get one that has this feature, you will ensure that it will accompany you for many, many photos.
Price: the perfect camera does not exist, remember that these are just a means for you to express yourself, so whatever fits your budget will be ideal for you.
There are only two factors that, in my opinion, should influence your decision when buying an SLR camera:
- The use you plan to give it today and in the future
- your budget
Before buying an SLR camera, you should project what you expect from it, that is, what photographs you would like to take and what uses you plan to give it. If you don't, it is very likely that the camera will not meet what you really need after a while and you will end up selling it or, otherwise, you could even have spent a lot of money on something that you did not get the most out of.
Once you are very clear about your needs, you can go in search of the camera that best suits your budget and your needs.
Ideally, you should evaluate all the available options, taking advantage of the potential of tools like and decide which camera best suits your needs and your budget.
And the most important thing: try not to stress yourself in the whole process, after all photography is an art and as such you should enjoy it. The camera does not make the photographer, never forget that.
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