If you like photography and you are beginning to enter this wonderful world full of artistic souls desperately looking for an expression channel , you should already be dreaming of buying your first SLR camera. If you have already bought the first one, you are probably dreaming of the second one, with some trillion megapixel model, millions of focus points, millions of kilos of extra weight .
But hey, do you know that there is a world before and after SLR cameras? Because, we are not going to fool ourselves, the SLR cameras are great, in fact in this blog we do not stop recommending models and articles related to them, but the truth is that just as there is not a suitable car for everyone, there is no Only camera or camera type recommended for everyone.
Luckily there are many more types, only that sometimes we stay on the surface without scratching too much and we get gadgets that we do not know how to take advantage of or simply do not adapt to our needs.
That's why I intend to give you some clues-guidelines-tips so you can see that the world of photography goes far beyond SLR cameras because, in the end, the best camera is the one you always carry with you.
Before buying a camera you must be very clear how you are. Because as capricious human beings, makers of unfulfilled lists of purposes that we are, it is important to be honest with oneself before making the decision to buy one camera or another. Asking yourself the right questions, and answering them honestly, will save you a lot of money that you can use for anything else.WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO PHOTOGRAPH?
It is not the same if you like Street photography or if you enjoy macro photography, it is not the same if you are a photographer who likes to improvise, who is going to jump kills by hunting scenes, or one who likes to plan the image to the millimeter You can do the two versions with an SLR camera, it is obvious, but a photographer who likes to steal street scenes may be less convenient and more discreet than a SLR with a telephoto lens capable of photographing the craters of the moon Luckily , these cameras exist and also compete directly in quality with the SLR.HOW OFTEN DO YOU PHOTOGRAPH?
Here you should not fool yourself either. Obviously you will have times of more or less photographic passion, but nobody knows each other better than you. If every day represents an opportunity for you, or if you only take photos on your daughter's birthday or on the trip you take on vacation, it is clear that having so many camera options in the market, in these two opposite cases, the correct option It is not the same.WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH THE IMAGES?
Nor is it the same if you are going to make a poster the size of a building or if you want them to hang on Facebook (Instagram, Google+, etc.). It is not the same if you want to expand them and hang them on the wall, if it is a professional job, or if they are photos that will be in familySO HOW DO I KNOW IF MINE IS A REFLEX OR NOT?
Once you have sincerely answered the previous questions you can go to the next level- Weight : When you enter the maelstrom of choosing a camera, it is common for us to fool ourselves with phrases such as "the weight is the least." Maybe when you walk at 100% of your motivation, this is true. Tell me after a few months of carrying a load of more than 1kg, to see what you think The SLRs are robust and heavy, if you are not willing to load or think that the weight will make your beloved camera go less for a walk, look for another option. A camera on the shelf raising dust is throwing money and hobby overboard.
- Optics : Do you need interchangeable optics or with an integrated zoom with a good focal length do you do well?
- Size : Do you want a camera that always accompanies you in your bag thanks to its small size? Or are you one of those who do not mind charging with more bulky cameras and their corresponding extras?
- In the long term : This is perhaps the most complicated point to answer, because we do not always know what our hobbies can derive from, but there is a percentage of lucky people who are already clear. If yours is a healthy hobby, it is not the same as if you are clear that you want to be a professional photographer. In the second case it may be worthwhile to invest a little more in your team.
- Manual or automatic controls : Is it necessary for your camera to have manual controls? Or are you one of those who prefers only to take care of framing and shooting?
- Physical or digital support ?: Are you surprised by the question? Well, there are also those that preserve the charm of the instant image on paper, the charm of the error that is paid with money
I will be honest, because this is not about boycotting SLR cameras. The SLR cameras are great, in fact I have had one since I have reason, because I love photography for some years now and I have tried many types of cameras until I find what I need in each phase. From the old analog SLR , through telemetric, pinhole, compact or medium format until today with digital SLR cameras.- If the weight or the volume do not matter to you, if you look for the opticians, if you are a brave user of the manual mode or of the priorities, if you have no problem in grabbing your beloved armatoste every time you leave home, if you like the robustness in a camera and quality, do not be fooled, yours are the SLR.
- If instead you are lazy to load the camera after the initial crush, and you end up leaving it at home, if the manual mode does not go with you, if you prefer to aim and shoot without headaches, if you always end up using your phone to portray everything It puts you in front, give the compact a chance. There are very good quality and fit anywhere.
- If you want very good quality at low weight, if you still value the possibility of working with several optics, if you want a very good image quality at a lower weight and more compact design, and you have a good pinch saved, check out the EVIL or Mirrorless .
In these five points I summarize five reasons for not buying a SLR, although it may seem strange that we say it from the blog, at this point in the article you are already understanding why we do it :- The SLR cameras are huge, big, heavy , difficult to hide and carry, as I have already mentioned. It is not practical to carry a SLR with you unless you intend to specifically take photos. Instead, a compact digital camera fits in any gap.
- They are not highly recommended in automatic mode . The performance of an SLR camera in automatic mode does not offer much difference from that of any compact digital camera. The grace of a SLR consists in the "manual" operation that allows to control the diaphragm, the shutter speed, etc. If you are going to use it to take pictures automatically, why do you want it?
- They all look at you . Although it is increasingly common and normal to see people equipped with an SLR camera, walking along the street with an SLR camera is still one of the least discreet things one can do. If you like discretion, SLRs are not for you.
- Difficult learning curve. If you have never used a reflex camera then get ready, reflex photography requires a steep learning curve accompanied by a lot of patience. You will be overwhelmed by a multitude of terms, abbreviations, functions and adjustments that are necessary if you want to learn how to use a digital SLR well.
- It is a very expensive hobby . You start by buying a SLR camera pack with 1 or 2 lenses and you think "I made a good purchase, it cost me money but I will pay it back over time . " After a short time you realize that you need a tripod, an external flash, a remote trigger, a backpack, a polarizing filter, an additional lens, etc.