Today I bring you a very original gift, which at least has made me very excited. (You're probably going to read this, so thanks Daniel !!!;)) This is the instax SHARE SP-2, a smartphone printer that I couldn't resist showing you.
Mini size
It is a smartphone printer that fits in the palm of one hand (see photo, and that my hand is sooo small). You can take it anywhere in your bag, or even in a baggy pocket. And it doesn't need to be plugged into the mains to work if the battery is charged. Nor do you need to connect the cable to the printer, it works by Wifi.
Recognize it, we make the most photos with the mobile. I am not referring to the artistic ones (that too), but to the day to day, on your mother's birthday, on the last meeting with friends, the first day of your son's school, the costume party of your little monster, or your last romantic dinner. Your smartphone is full of memories that can one day go to the toilet (literally) or the mop bucket if you have not been careful to download the images or print them.
The more you leave it, the more laziness it gives and the more it costs to download them, what if? Well, this printer serves to avoid a catastrophe of this type, because you can surprise your mother by blowing the candle without having a Polaroid camera, or giving grandparents a photo with your newborn baby on her first visit, for putting a small example of moments that should never be lost;).
As I just advanced, it is an instant printer, for those who do not separate from the mobile phone, for those who want to take the photo home on paper, to surprise friends, to have a detail with your visits, so that guests stay with a memory of the party or not to miss the best moment of a last romantic getaway.
It is ideal to make gifts, decorate, animate your photo albums, touch the memories with your hands, send them by post, because we are still romantic of letters, packages and photos on paper. Also to wallpaper the frigo, use them as invitations or to save special moments in the wallet And the Polaroid-style photos are the perfect detail for lovers of retro or vintage and for nostalgic as a servant.
Decorating the room of the little one
You can add filters (personalized, sepia, black and white), dates, texts, make collages, customize the photo with party decoration, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day and others. Here are some examples:
It also offers the possibility of printing from social networks, such as Facebook or Instagram, including the title, your profile picture and the "likes" received. Surely this one loves more than one and one Some examples:
You can modify the texts, the ones you had were too long and do not come out complete, but you have the possibility to change them.
In this video you will see everything much better:
Dimensions: 89.5 mm × 131.8 mm × 40 mm
Weight: 250 grams (without battery or film)
Image size: 62mm x 46mm
USB cable included
Charging time approximately 90 minutes (according to manufacturer, it took me considerably less
You can print at the same time it is loading
You can have up to 8 devices connected at once, although while printing you cannot print from another device
Approximate printing capacity: 100 photos
Well, this is what I liked the most. How easy it is to install and use. Honestly, here where you see me technology and I are not the best friends, but this is easy, easy. Even my grandmother could have used it. Here its parts:
" alt="Fujifilm Instax Share printer guide" width="836" height="391" data-src="" data-srcset=" 836w, 300w, 768w, 125w, 75w" data-sizes="(max-width: 836px) 100vw, 836px" />
Photo output Led film indicator remaining Led battery remaining indicator
Look at the steps to start it , although the instruction manual explains it very clearly:
Insert the battery.
Insert the reel. Press the button and slide to the left to open the cover (2-1) and insert the spool matching the signal (2-2). It will automatically eject the protective plastic.
Connect the cable to the printer and to the power. Let it charge until the light turns green.
Install the intax Share application on your smartphone .
And you have it ready to select the photo, edit it and give it to print ... In less than ten seconds you have your photo! And now comes the magic, that moment in which you see how the image appears little by little.
I have this polaroid , which is very good, but the truth is that now that I have the printer it seems to me that I will use it less. It is not for nothing, is that unless you have a very potato smartphone, if your mobile makes decent photos it is more comfortable because it offers more possibilities and, most importantly, is that with the smartphone you can shoot as many times as you want until you give With the desired photo.
With the polaroid camera you shoot and the photo comes out, exit as you exit. And we are too accustomed to repeat the photo five times if necessary because someone comes out with their eyes closed, right?
Against , with respect to the camera, is that it is a bit more expensive.
On Amazon you can find it for € 99.99 . To that you must add the reel , although they are cheaper than other types of polaroid.
Trying to make a beautiful composition I have met an assistant
The best
His immediacy.
How easy it is to use.
How quickly you print.
The convenience of being able to take it anywhere without plug.
The design and size.
The retro style of the photos that characterizes the Polaroid.
The economic part, in addition to the initial investment must be added the reels.
The brightness of the colors is not as much as it appears in the video is more similar to the usual Polaroid although the quality is good.
The size of the photos. They measure as a credit card and the image somewhat less (approximately 6 × 4.5cm). But of course, what can you expect from a printer that fits in the palm of one hand? And well, it can also be an advantage, I have already commented, they fit in a portfolio!
Well, here my initial experience with this new gift that I am enjoying. Just see the face of my child to see how the image is appearing as if by magic ... it already seems like a gift 10! In fact I do not know who is more excited of the two with the gift :).
If it has been useful to you, I invite you to share it, just like someone give you a good idea for an original gift Thank you and see you soon.