The Bokeh is a photographic technique in which ... let's see, let's see how I explain it to you, let's say it's a technique consisting of, I don't know, let's see, it's something like saying a kind of ... Baaaa .. why do we we are going to complicate life with twisted explanations and can illustrate it with magnificent graphic Well, don't be impressed, getting something like that is extremely easy. In today's article I will explain how you can get your first Bokeh photos and I will share with you some trick or cunning to get very creative effects.


I know this is the part that interests you least, you are impatient because we go to practice, I know  But if I do not make this little theoretical introduction you may get to produce magnificent Bokeh photos but when someone asks you if you know how to make Bokeh you You will look to face broaching strangeness: "what do you say .. what's that ?? what?" . The Bokeh is neither more nor less than the optical effect by which we focus well on the subject and leave the rest of the elements, both in front of and behind him, out of focus. The typical portrait photo in which the subject is very focused and the background blurred, that would be a Bokeh photo. What happens is that within this technique we tend to call Bokeh more to those photos in which lights appear within the unfocused area. So, whenever you hear about Bokeh, it is most likely a photo in which there is a main subject focused and in whose background appear unfocused lights.


Please follow the following recipe as "to the letter" as you can. The less you deviate from the original recipe, the easier it will be to get the effect in question.


  • Camera, preferably DSLR ( here I tell you my favorites, if you are still looking for one ).
  • Objective with a large aperture of diaphragm (I recommend the King of Objectives ).
  • Tripod.
  • Christmas tree lights (or similar), which will serve as background.
  • Teddy, doll, cup of tea, your pet, your little brother, or even the grandmother, who will be the main subject.
  • Enough physical space: It is convenient to do the exercise in a large room or room, which will give us freedom to compose the photo to our liking.
  • Ambience with dim light.
  • Want to enjoy.


Step 1: To start place the lens in the camera. The trick is in the goal. The larger the aperture / diaphragm of the lens, the easier it will be to achieve the Bokeh effect I use (and always recommend) a 50mm lens whose aperture is f / 1.4. Basically, the smaller this f / value is, the better. Step 2: On your SLR camera choose from the mode dial the semi -manual Aperture Priority mode (in Nikon it is the “A” mode, in the Canon and some other brand I think it is the “Av” mode.) Step 3:Once in the Opening Priority mode, try changing the f / value to a number as small as possible as I was saying before. If you work with the King of the Objectives you can reach af / 1.4 without problem. Step 4: Place the camera on top of the tripod to have some stability. Depending on the light conditions you have, you may run the risk of obtaining a blurred or blurred photo, hence the need to perform the tripod exercise. Well, the camera is set. Now you have to prepare the scene. Step 5: Place the lights in the background. You can put them in the way you want, horizontal, vertical, hanging from a Christmas tree, on a sofa, or as you find most practical. Step 6:The subject. I have left it for last because if it is your grandmother you can get fed up while you prepare the scene and leave. Even if you were to use a doll or a stuffed animal, it should be left for the end because you place it depending on where and how you have the backlights on. Here it is convenient to follow the rule of thirds (which says that the subject should never be centered, but to one of the 2 sides of the frame, either a little to the right, or to the left) so that the subject will be one side and the lights right on the opposite side. This ensures that the main subject does not cover them. You can also make creative games if you like, like the example of the lights that seem to come out of the cup. Step 7: Now you return to the camera, focus on the subject, and shoot. Ready.


Trick 1: If you do not have a large aperture lens such as the f / 1.4 that I mentioned, try using any objective you have within your reach but with a long focal length, for example 200mm, 300mm or so. You will get a fairly similar effect, although not the same. Trick 2: In the Bokeh one of the things that most often attract attention is the colors of the lights, but ... do you dare to make a Bokeh in Black and White? Obviously you would shoot normally, in color, and later you would convert the photo to Black and White on the computer. Experience it, it usually gives good and creative results. Trick 3:The more distance there is between the subject and the backlights (distance in depth) the more blurred the lights will be. So the lights try to put them far behind the subject. Trick 4: If you cut out a heart-shaped cardboard (or any other way you like it) and place it in front of the lens, you will make the lights take on the same shape. Not the rest of the elements or subjects.


For everything it conveys. Bokeh photos seem to enclose a concentrate of feelings and emotions. The combination of dim light that surrounds this type of scenes with the blurry lights in the background give photography a powerful magical effect that leaves us all dumbfounded. Definitely if you are looking to convey stories of tenderness or love remember to introduce the Bokeh technique in your photo, you will get a guaranteed result.

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