That the photographic world is no longer exclusive to Canon and Nikon is something that is becoming increasingly clear. Yo
Did you know that you can control your camera, be it SLR or EVIL, remotely from your mobile? Yes Yes. Go figure. You don't have a sh
Today I am going to open (or reopen) a debate, and warm, I know. Like the one who opens an open wound knowing the risk he is running. But
has been available to the general public , the first Online Photography Course of the Photographer's Blog, a course to which I dedicated mysel
Today I have come to talk to you a little about my photographic equipment. Specifically, one of its most important parts, one of my two object
While it is true that there is a lot of information on almost everything on the web, and that most aspects of photography are there for free, the t
Taking photos of babies is one of the most important jobs that we can have as photographers. Because, if time flies
What are the most used photographic techniques ? How can they help you find a way to express yourself through your
Mario's note : We continue with the series of Initiation Guides. On this occasion, Iaio Atamián brings 13 tip
For all those mortals who simply want to hang an image on the wall, or make an album, a poster, etc., the seemingly simple momen