One of the most rewarding things that can happen to you as an amateur photographer is to enter and win a photography contest . Many BdF readers take pictures worthy of the cover of National Geographic but don't quite take the plunge to participate in a contest.
In today's article I'm going to do everything in my power to convince you to apply for a photography award ?.
I'll explain why it may be the best decision you can make when it comes to photography, I'll give you some clues to increase your chances of winning, and I'll leave you with two of the most interesting photography contests currently in force in 2022 for that you are encouraged to participate with your photo.
As you can see, participating in a photo contest is a learning experience.
Let's go there.

The monetary value of a photo contest prize is not the most important thing. Believe me.
Participating in a photography contest is one of the most rewarding ways I know of to enjoy photography. When you choose a photo and submit it to a contest, you are actually reaping a number of benefits that are hard to come by any other way.
Here some examples:
1) Many people, in their beginnings, take an extremely "literal" photograph, somewhat superficial, a simple visual description of a scene.
A photo contest usually has a theme, and often a specific cause. Participating in one of these contests requires a certain amount of "interpretation" effort. It takes you to start the coconut.
In a photography contest you learn to look beyond the visual part: you have to try to understand the context of the contest, the theme, the background, the objective.
A photography contest makes you reflect on the way you can visually communicate an idea, an emotion or a story.
From what I have seen, people are very obsessed with the technical part, with the adjustments, the focus and so on, but they completely neglect the "plot" that every photo must have.
2) How many digital photos do you have in total? Tell the truth. So, an approximate figure. Hundred? A thousand... ten thousand? Do you have a chance to see them all? Do you enjoy the photos you take?
The hectic pace of life makes it practically impossible to look back on the memories and moments we create. A photography contest is the perfect excuse to sit down for a long time and review your photos to choose the most suitable for the contest in question.

This exercise is a unique moment in which you will be able to review and enjoy your photographic legacy as we rarely do.
3) Photography is a form of social communication between humans. In my humble way of seeing things, 99% of the meaning of a photo comes true when we take the photo from the captivity to which we had it subjected in our archive and we decide to share it with other people, starting with the jury that is going to see it.
A photography contest gives you the chance to show your photo to the world, to turn your photo into a true tool of social expression.
4) Many photography contests award the winner (sometimes more than one) with exhibition space in a major gallery. For me this is more important than any other material award. Being able to exhibit your photos, at no cost to you, with the corresponding recognition that this entails is priceless.
The biggest mistake you can make when entering a photography contest is precisely not presenting yourself.
It is a common mistake, as common as the number of people who consider sending their photo to a contest and due to a lack of self-confidence end up giving up.
By entering a photography contest you lose absolutely nothing. If you rush me, you even win. You win everything we said at the beginning of this article and more.
Did you know that many photography contests end up being declared void, simply due to the scarcity of jobs that arrive?
It is a mistake to refrain from participating in one of these contests, for thinking that your photo does not even reach a 7 out of 10, let's say. You don't know the number of photos that will make it to the contest, or their quality.
Don't make this mistake. Pick 2-3 photo contests for this year and submit your photos. Adopt it as a habit. Aim to participate in at least 2 different photography contests a year.

Assuming that you managed to get excited about the first part of this article, and that you are dying to submit your photo to a photography contest, we are going to look at a few tricks that will help you get closer to that “First Prize”.
Remember that if your photo does not win, nothing happens. But since we participate, we are going to do well, right?
This is basic, but I have to underline it. Understanding the theme of the contest is critical. Do not rush when choosing (or taking) the photo with which you are going to participate. First dedicate a good time to understand the theme proposed in the contest by reading the call well.
Most people “get the issue” of the award to some degree, but stay with it, thinking of it as an “isolated” photographic issue.
In a photography contest, in addition to understanding the subject, you need to think about the context of the prize. Who calls the award? (town council, association, company or private entity, etc.) Why do you call for this award? What's your objective? (Raise awareness, denounce, promote, support, etc.)
We need to get to the bottom of the call.
Asking ourselves these questions will help us find a “perfect” photographic proposal for the contest in question.
Unless it is the very first call for the contest in question, it is normal that there have been previous calls with different themes. Investigate these calls, check the theme of each of them and take a look at the winning photos.
This exercise will allow you to get an idea about the direction or line in which you should work.
This is a piece of advice I always give: try to soak up as much inspiration as you can. Look at social networks, online galleries, Flickr- like websitesor 500px. Look for contest-themed photos that can give you a dose of inspiration.
Provide a differentiating element in your photo that can attract the attention of the jury. Try to stand out in a way that powerfully attracts attention, either on a technical level, or on a story/message/emotional level.
Be sure to submit your photos in the correct format and resolution. Respect the formal/technical requirements of the call. It would be a shame if you were the author of a possible winning photograph and that it was discarded for not having the correct resolution, for example.
At this point I would like you to encourage yourself to participate in one of the contests that are called right now. If you search you will surely find several.
As an example, at this moment there are two very important photography prizes that are:
The two prizes are well known and already have a consolidated trajectory, the one in Madrid is in its 9th edition and the one in Barcelona is in its 20th.
Both prizes constitute a very good excuse to practice photography, but also, both award succulent prizes: EUR 2,500 to the first winner and EUR 1,000 to the second. The next 8 classified get free stays in this 5-star hotel chain.
Taking first prize would be nice, but if you don't, making it to the top 10 should be easier.
The theme of the Madrid callrevolves around the artistic dimension of this city. I think it is an easy subject and within everyone's reach. Nor is it about sending a photo with the Prado door without more. Or yes, maybe an absurdly "simple" photo leaves the jury stunned and conquers it. Don't know. But I would try to find a different and groundbreaking angle to the idea of "Madrid is Art".
Think about the different expressions of art. In its various manifestations.
When we think of art, the typical painting comes to mind, which also comes to mind, but think of other facets of art that characterize Madrid: sculpture, architecture, music, theater, a tablao, etc.
Remember what we said before about “differentiating” our proposal from that of others.
Nor do you limit yourself to the strict concept of “works of art”. Think of places, characters, etc.
What other characteristic things come to mind?
The typical architecture of the Gothic Quarter perhaps? The ancient bar “Casa Almirall” that has been around since 1860? Any particular neighborhood? The passing of life in El Raval?
Or maybe some views of the Port from Montjuïc?
Think of something iconic in Barcelona and portray it with a unique, different perspective. Amazing.
If you live in Madrid, Barcelona or the surrounding area, here are 2 of the most interesting photography awards that you can aspire to as an amateur photographer. Whether you live in one of these two cities or if you plan to be passing through one of them in the coming months, you can take advantage and send a photo that conveys the essence of the subject.