Photography Maestro

Photography Maestro

How to become a Professional Photographer?

If you want to start a career in Photography or someone who masters this art, then you have to do three simple things –
  1. Study your subject matter.
  2. Do the homework.
  3. Know your subject – don’t go into a situation shooting blind.
Plan ahead of time, so you won’t waste time further while trying to come up with relevant and intelligent art. Help other photographers, especially the pros. It is difficult to make a living if you choose to be a freelance photographer for your career. Therefore, try to help out as much as possible. Amateur photographers show love and respect for what you believe in. So be friendly and tolerant towards them. Help them by sharing equipment and information if you can.

The Rules of Professional Photography

Whether it is a family gathering, a news event or a wedding, you should never be a part of the situation that you are shooting. You must learn to be only a separate observer or you disturb the honesty and pureness of the event. You must not photograph people in a private place unless they grant you the permission. If you do so, it will be invasion of privacy and is against the law. If they give you the permission, you are required to tell them what you intend to do with the photograph. Just because you received their permission, it doesn’t allow you to sell the photograph for commercial purposes. Only after obtaining a ‘Photo Release’ form from these people can you use that picture for commercial purposes. If you manage to photograph something on public property, which transpires on private property, you can use the particular photo for your personal use, and have it published in legitimate media such as a website or newspaper. Nonetheless, you are not allowed to sell that photograph, or use it for the purpose of making money from it. Being a photographer, you have a responsibility of never altering a photograph. You can sharpen, lighten, darken or crop the image. But altering it makes it different in a particular way, without permanently losing its essence. If you use digital enhancement or darkroom techniques, you are compromising the sincerity and pureness of the art. Photography has a deep-seated quality of integrity and you must be firm enough to stand by the image.

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