The eyes are the mirror of the soul and the most important part of a portrait. It is the eyes that we see first in an image and it is in the look where we stop the longest. It is through her that we link with the images, and with the person (or animal) that we observe, because it is with the eyes that we connect when we communicate.
In short, the eyes, whenever they appear, tend to become what we call a center of interest in our image, so you have to treat them with the importance they deserve;).
But to not always end up doing the same, it is best to stop and think of ways to be original. And since I know that it is not always easy to stop to be filled with inspiration, I have done that work for you :-). I hope you enjoy it and, most importantly, encourage you to practice looking for any of these images for yourself.
How heavy we are with this rule, right? But the truth is that we cannot ignore all the tools we have available to highlight the center of interest. Placing the eyes at these intersections that originate by dividing the frame into three-thirds, makes the attention in the gaze more potentiated.Use the rule of thirds to place the eyes within the frame
If you have a bright target with a large aperture of the diaphragm , you can play with very small depths of field. This will allow you to highlight, thanks to the focus, the center of interest that, in this case, focuses on the eyes.
If you decide to work with a wide diaphragm aperture (shallow depth of field) remember that the eye that must be focused is the one that is closest to the target .
Eyes that reflect light, are eyes full of life, whenever you want to highlight a look or eyes, try to reflect these light and you will see how the beauty and interest of them increases.
Eyes that reflect light are eyes full of life
The macro photography is for me art in itself because if it shows us a world that a priori is real, it shows in a way that is unique and we can not see naturally. And the eyes, with the richness of their tones and textures, give fascinating results.
If you do not have a macro lens, do not worry, there are other systems that, for starters, can give you good results such as inversion rings or extension tubes .
Moreover, if you still want something lower cost , I recommend that you turn the lens (with great care and in environments free of sand, rain, etc.) and make your first steps in macro photography as well. If you like it, you can always become fond of and improve your team little by little.
Experiment with macro photography
Another way to highlight the look is to frame it with something. You can do it through some fingers, a kitchen roll, a small mirror, the hole of a sheet, a mask, through some sheets or a handkerchief.
You can find countless ways to do it, you just have to look around to discover them.
Frame the look
Experimenting with light can give you great results. Try playing with the flashlight of a flashlight in a dark environment to highlight the eyes. Your model may be a bit annoying, but the results can be very interesting.
A trick not to bother the person you want to photograph so much, is to ask him to close his eyes while you illuminate it, carefully check the focus, and when everything is ready you ask him to open his eyes for a moment. At that moment you press the shutter and tachán, you already have it.
It is an idea, you can invent, do and undo what you think, but I already warn you that inspiration always comes while we are working. You'll see how as you try things, you can think of others.
Experiment with the light
The eyes are not exclusive of color, you can also experiment with black and white . Black and white is timeless, elegant, dreamlike, magical ... (I love it, I see the duster, right? ) So don't forget about it when you work on creativity in any photographic field. Nor in that of creative eye photography.
Black and white too
There are looks that are so intense that they stand out practically alone. Only accompanied by a good composition and a good focus, they speak for themselves and manage to connect in a very powerful way with the viewer.
Look intensity
Something as simple as a magnifying glass that you have at home or that you can acquire economically, can help you highlight the look in a creative and simple way. You can also experiment with glasses or other glass surfaces that increase objects.
Experiment with magnifying glasses that you have at home
Mirrors always give a lot of play in photography, they help you boost your creativity, and they usually add mystery, and interest to your photographs. Do not hesitate to experiment with them in your search for a creative eye photography.
It is the one that says you have to leave space where the gaze is directed. Thus the image is more fluid and "breathes" better compositionally speaking. However, as always, it will depend on what you want to convey with your image. If you want to "drown" your protagonist and convey overwhelm, skip this rule ;-).
Law of the gaze
Do not limit yourself to human eyes, if you have animals nearby or are fond of photographing them, do not hesitate to portray them too. Their expressions, their looks, the types of eye depending on the species you choose, can be very interesting too.
Pets too
How about? Do you dare to frame, to stand out with light, or with the opening of the diaphragm, with a macro, with a handkerchief or through the lock of a door ... a look? I hope so, that it has inspired you and motivates you to practice, which is why we and we write, we dive through the networks looking for images and inspiration. To inspire you and, above all, to encourage you to practice.
Oh, and if you liked it, don't forget to share the article in your favorite social network so that others and others can enjoy it too. Thank you and see you next time.