According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy of Language, architecture is the art of designing and constructing buildings. And from this definition I underline the word “art”, because it is truly an art and because that is the part of architecture that interests us in this challenge, the artistic part.


Every week I will propose a new challenge , it is a topic that you will have to capture in a photograph and upload it to the Facebook page of the blog, putting in the description the keyword that I will indicate for each topic. The themes will be varied, from portraits to Macro photography, going through landscapes, black and white photography, or babies. The topics will be proposed on Saturdays, so that you have the whole weekend to work on them. You will have one week to upload your photograph (one photo per participant), until Friday of the following week. On Friday or Saturday I will update the article with the photo that has captivated me the most and I will propose a new topic, and so…


This week's challenge is to photograph “architecture”. When I said in the introduction that the part that interests us is the artistic part, I did not mean that you photograph only artistic buildings like a cathedral or a palace. I mean, don't shoot the foundations ? , but rather the "artistic" part of any building and this can be the structure itself or the beautiful view it offers from a different perspective or with a wide angle, for example.

They can be classic or modern buildings, public or private, or even open spaces that have architectural interest, such as a square or a large structure. Or they can also be a set of buildings, or a combination of the modern with the classic, of architecture and people, or a natural frame … But whatever you do, try to convey the architectural beauty through a well-composed photograph ( or in which you intentionally break the rules of composition ), with a good framing , or in which you use the linesas a compositional element, play with the vanishing point… Ah! And don't forget about light, you can use it as a creative ingredient together with architectural elements, because as Le Corbusier said « Architecture is the wise, correct and magnificent game of volumes under light .» If you can capture the essence of this date with your camera, you'll have a great photo!

I've given you a lot of clues! Now it's your turn to think, let your imagination fly and look around you, surely you have some architectural piece nearby that can help you leave us speechless! ?

As usual, to participate in this week's challenge upload your photo to the Facebook wallfrom the Photographer's Blog:  In the description of the photo, please mention the keyword “Architecture Challenge” followed by a title of your choice.


For those of you who are not from Facebook, I have enabled new social networks to participate.

  • Flickr: Accessing the Photographer's Blog Group Wall and uploading the photo directly. Give your photo a title and be sure to mention “Architecture Challenge” in it.
  • Twitter: uploading the photo directly to Twitter with the hashtag #RetoArquitecturaBdF

Happy photography.


Viewing your photos has been like traveling through time and space. Different places and different times, from Renaissance buildings to modernist or the most rabid current events, have joined hands through your images. Thank you for the towers that rise to the sky, the arches that play with the light, the pure lines or the facades that reflect the landscape. As a sample of all of them I leave you this gallery of highlights.

I loved the image of J Carlos Rayo. His "extreme low angle" captivated me mainly because of that different and so attractive perspective. The composition is marvelous and above all it complies with the maxim of "less is more", so important also in architecture as it is conceived today. The lines of this image lead the gaze to the sky, like the skyscraper that stands proud towards infinity seeking to fly over the clouds, like dreams that seek to overcome the obstacles that are in their path.

The harmony of colors, the completely straight lines, the diagonal that divides the image in two, the reflection of the brown surface on the white, its "cleanliness", luminosity and simplicity, make this a great photograph. Congratulations, J Carlos, for your excellent "architectural perspective"!

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