Everything good ends, like summer, vacations and all that entails (joy, party, baths, fun, friends, rest, tranquility ...). Everyone enjoys their vac
Like every artist, each photographer has his own style and preferences when choosing themes, objectives, filters ... That is the stamp of each one, hi
Who does not like to photograph a mountain while filling the lungs with pure air, the ears of silence, the face of the sun, and the smell of the smell
A dirty lens is a dirty photo. That is why careful cleaning of your lenses should be an essential part of your photographic habits. If you are conce
Speaking of words and strange concepts in photography, I'm sure you've ever encountered this word: " Bracketing or Bracketing " whi
It has rained a lot since I told you about this wonder and it is gone, but don't worry because time has passed for the bette
Mario's Note: Today I am especially happy to welcome Alexa, my new blog contributor, who will have a weekly contribution full
The Nikon D610 is hard to find today. If you are looking for an advanced performance camera at a price similar to the one t
There are endless accessories in the world of photography that you can use to give a different look to your photographs, to achieve hundreds of differ